Your Support Makes Reproductive Justice Inevitable - If/When/How

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Your Support Makes Reproductive Justice Inevitable

Help us support, defend, and organize to create a future where people can make decisions about their reproductive lives free of oppression, fear of criminalization, and harm.

Your donation helps us…

    • Post bail and provide practical support (attorney fees, commissary accounts) for people who are in jail or prison because of abortion
    • Defend people who are facing charges related to their pregnancy outcomes
    • Provide legal services to help people know their rights for abortion, pregnancy, or birth
    • Provide training on reproductive justice legal issues to law students, lawyers, and movement partners
    • Organize and advocate for local and federal policies that decriminalize and expand access 
to abortion

    • If you’d like to dedicate your donation to someone, please fill out this form.

      You can also mail a check to our national office:

      ATTN: Development
      1714 Franklin Street #100-393
      Oakland, CA 94612

      If you have any issues with donating, please email us.

      If/When/How is a tax-exempt nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law under our tax ID number: 90-0181944.

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