Why the RJ Fellowship?
This one-of-a-kind fellowship can help you kick-start your career in the reproductive health, rights, and justice field.
Who are our fellows?
We have over 100+ Fellow alums, 66% identify as people of color, 41% identify as LGBTQIA.
What can you expect?
As a fellow, you’ll gain hands-on policy advocacy experience and work on reproductive health, rights, and justice issues.
Are there benefits?
If/When/How’s RJ Fellows are placed with organizations across the country for a salaried program that includes mentorship, professional development, skills-based training, and networking opportunities.
Hear from our RJ Fellow Alums
“I often think of If/When/How as my professional home. In law school, my If/When/How chapter helped me find community, and as my first professional job after law school, the RJFP helped me see possibilities.”
Jaspreet Chowdhary, Senior Legislative Counsel, ‘10-11 RJ Fellow
“This past year taught me so much, which has shaped me both professionally and personally. I’m so grateful for the lessons and connections that came from this fellowship. I will carry these experiences with me, and they will continue to guide my work.”
Sawyeh Esmaili, Senior Counsel for Reproductive Rights, ‘17-18 RJ Fellow
“The Reproductive Justice Fellowship Project allowed me to launch my career in the repro movement centering both immigrant justice and reproductive justice. I made so many connections with advocates I admire and was able to learn from.”
Limayli Huguet, If/When/How Spanish-Speaking Helpline Counsel, ‘20-21 RJ Fellow