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Your repro law resource

Your Reproductive Law Resource

If/When/How offers technical assistance, legal education, training, and resources to lawyers and law students, health care providers, movement partners, and people who want to deepen their knowledge of reproductive justice and the law.

Bolster your legal knowledge with our resources

Build your skills with our Training Center

We offer educational training and events for law students, lawyers, and advocates of reproductive justice.

For lawyers

If/When/How offers training for lawyers to help them build skills in litigation, judicial bypass representation, and opportunities for continuing education credits.

For everyone

Join reproductive justice advocates to learn more about reproductive justice and the criminalization of abortion.

Legal questions? We can help!

  • Are you a criminal defense attorney looking for support on your case? 
  • As a health care provider, unsure what the law requires you to report about abortion as a health care provider? Unsure about your state’s reporting laws to child protective services?
  • Are you an abortion advocate with questions about self-managed abortion and the law?


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