Internet Safety - If/When/How

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Internet Safety

Reduce Your Risk Online

Learn ways to keep your abortion private and confidential while searching or discussing it online if that is important to you.

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Simple Internet Safety Tips

  • Close tabs you wouldn’t want anyone to see.
  • Sign out of your accounts.
  • Clear your search history in your web browser.
  • Set up passcodes on your devices and lock them when you’re not using them.

More Internet Safety Information

Searching the Internet

Most internet browsers store information about your searches and the sites you visit. Here are ways to keep your activity private:

Texting privately

Your text messages, and information about who and when you sent them, may be viewable to your phone provider and the company who stores your messages (Apple or Google).

Secure email

Your emails, or information about who you sent them to, what you said, when you sent them, and from where may be available to the company that provides your email service.

More resources

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