June 22, 2018
By If/When/How

If/When/How coauthored, and If/When/How’s Executive Director Jill E. Adams and Legal & Policy Director Sara L. Ainsworth signed a joint amicus brief with the National Health Law Program and the National Network of Abortion Funds in the June Medical Services v. Gee Supreme Court case, arguing that the Louisiana law requiring physicians who provide abortion services to have hospital admitting privileges would effectively cut off access to care for people struggling to make ends meet. The brief highlights that the law, combined with existing barriers such as the Hyde Amendment that bans federal health insurance programs from covering abortion, would put abortion entirely out of reach for people already marginalized by our health care system. If the high court upholds the Louisiana law, it would have a devastating impact, with people of color, people with low incomes, and LGBTQIA people bearing the brunt of the harm.