Hosted by: If When How
Training, Virtual
Continuing Legal Education
(CLE) available

If/When/How and the Birth Rights Bar Association (BRBA) are excited to announce a four-part Birth Justice Attorney Training series beginning January 24, 2024 with an Intro to Birth Justice. 

The virtual training series builds on our Repro Legal Helplines ongoing commitment to meet our callers’ needs in a rapidly changing legal landscape.

Through this series, we hope to amass a group of lawyers and advocates who have the skills to hold providers and state actors accountable for the harms they enact. You’ll also learn how to support people to understand their legal rights during pregnancy and birth, how to advocate for themselves and their communities, and how they can respond to experiences of discrimination, mistreatment, and violence.

Attorneys who attend all four sessions (live or recorded) will have the opportunity to meet with If/When/How and become a volunteer lawyer who may be asked to support Helpline callers.

Learn from people with lived experiences and expertise in how the reproductive justice and birth justice frameworks can be used to support and champion change for pregnant and birthing people.

Register through our training center to watch the recording