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Youth Access

Debunking Judicial Myths on Judicial Bypass and Abortion Access for Young People

By Jessica Goldberg, J.D.

Welcome to Judicial Bypass Week at If/When/How! We’re highlighting the excellent work…

Student Organizing

Quick Question with Brigitte Amiri

By If/When/How

If/When/How’s Quick Question series highlights the amazing members of our ever-growing network…

Reproductive Justice

Body of Proof: Hyde’s Rape and Incest Requirements in the #MeToo Age

By Mica L. Williams, Reproductive Justice Fellow at Women’s Law Project and New Voices Pittsburgh

Racial Justice

Move Up, Move Back

By Janine Caller, Chapter Leader at University of New Mexico School of Law

Racial Justice

Calling-in Versus Calling-out: “Throwing Out My Activist Armchair”

By Jennifer Mahan, Chapter Leader at University of Baltimore School of Law

Racial Justice

Solidarity is a Verb

By Grace Kube, Chapter Member at University of Wisconsin School of Law

RJ Lawyering, Student Organizing

Love, Study, Struggle

By Kendall Williams, Chapter Member at University of Texas School of Law

Racial Justice

Give Your Daughters Difficult Names

By Mohini Lal, RJ Fellow at National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF)

“give your daughters difficult names. give your daughters names that command the…

Economic Justice

It’s Time to Overturn Harris v. McRae and Repeal the Hyde Amendment

By Caitlin Van Sant, 2016 Sarah Weddington Writing Prize Winner

This article is based on a scholarly paper titled Some Women are more…

Racial Justice

7 Ways to Support and Center People of Color

By Lina Houston, Director of Campus & Community Programs

RJ Lawyering

So You Want to Work in Social Justice…

By Wendy Fu, Attorney & Pro Bono Programs Coordinator

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