January 5, 2022
By If/When/How

If/When/How, the Center for Reproductive Rights, and the Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice at UC Berkeley School of Law are pleased to announce the winners of the sixteenth annual Writing Prize for New Student Scholarship in Reproductive Rights & Justice. Congratulations!

The first place winning submission has a presumption of publishability and will receive expedited review by the Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice. Winning authors will also receive cash prizes of $750, $500, or $250 and a copy of Cases on Reproductive Rights and Justice.

If/When/How thanks everyone who submitted an entry this year. There were many wonderful articles that exhibited exceptional writing and research and profound understanding and analysis of reproductive rights and justice. If/When/How is also grateful to the Center for Reproductive Rights and the Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice for co-sponsoring the writing prize, the preliminary readers and academic judges for their hard work and thoughtful evaluation, and the Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice for promoting student scholarship.

The Writing Prize encourages innovative analysis and advocacy in writing about reproductive rights and justice issues. We encourage writing that amplifies lesser-heard voices, applies an intersectional, reproductive justice lens to legal thinking, offers anti-essentialist analysis, and suggests innovative solutions that take into account the practical realities and lived experiences of the people affected by the various forms of subordination and reproductive oppression in the United States. The suggested theme for 2021 was “Supporting Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice Beyond Roe v. Wade.”

For questions or further information, contact Cammie Dodson, Professional Development Manager, at [email protected].