As we prepare to enter the next decade of building the movement lawyering for reproductive justice, we’re also celebrating the 10th anniversary of If/When/How’s Reproductive Justice Fellowship Program. You already know that the Fellowship launches the careers of new lawyers who have a passion for reproductive rights and justice, but did you know:

  • That over the years, 74 Fellows have bolstered capacity at 23 placement organizations since the program launched in 2010.
  • At six Fellowship placement organizations, an If/When/How Fellow joined as the first staff member with legal training.
  • That 65 percent of Fellows identify as people of color, 40 percent identify as LGBTQ, 23 percent identify as coming from a low-income background, 16 percent identify as immigrant/first-generation American, and 14 percent identify as first-generation college graduates.
  • That over 40 percent of Fellowship alums currently work in the reproductive rights, health, and justice movements.

Three Fellow alums have continued their RJ lawyering careers right here at If/When/How — Movement Building Director Jeryl Hayes, and Helpline Counsel Rebecca Wang, and Professional Development Coordinator Cammie Dodson. We’re thrilled to lift up their experiences as we ask you to make an end-of-year gift to support more legal advocates just like them.

Will you fund the movement to launch the careers of reproductive justice lawyers like Jeryl, Cammie, and Rebecca? An end-of-year gift to If/When/How is the perfect way to celebrate 10 years of our Reproductive Justice Fellowship Program.

Thank you from all of us here at If/When/How!